What is the point of this blog?
My ultimate goal is to create a comprehensive and enjoyable list of classic games for both gamers who are interested in the history of their favorite pastime but don’t necessarily have the time to play through the exhaustive amount of games that exist and newcomers to the medium who have no idea where to begin.
This is not necessarily a game blog for aspiring developers, nor will it be a blog for those looking to make fun of badly programmed games. This is a blog for those who never got a chance to play or feel that they lack the nostalgic experiences of those classic games, those who are curious about the history of gaming and how games have warped and evolved over time, and for those who are just overwhelmed by the sheer amount of games that exist and don't know where to start.
What are you considering ‘classic’ games?
The criteria for the list I have created is as follows:
- Games that made the best selling lists for their consoles or in their time
- Games that are considered influential to their genre or to game features in general
- Games that are notorious among gamers for their ridiculous content
- Games that have made almost every 'best video games of all time' list on the internet
- Games that so many people have emailed me about that I have to put them on the list out of blatant peer pressure related reasons
Obligatory Disclaimer:
This list and the reviews are opinion based. While I would love to look at all of these games without the clouding judgement of any of my previous video game experiences or knowledge of today’s technologies, I can not. In order to combat this, I have elected to state what I think my biases are in my reviews when necessary so that you as the viewer can take everything I say with an informed grain of salt.
I will also be the first to admit that a lot of games will probably be absent from my reviews. While I may somehow find time for them, try not to fret if your favorite game never gets touched on. The reason I created this list in the first place is because I literally do not have enough time to play every game ever created, so in essence, the line had to be drawn somewhere.
However, if there is enough hubbub directed at me about a particular game, I will definitely put it on that increasingly ever growing list that can be found here. Remember to check in once in a while to see if that game you love so dearly made it on there :)
I will also be the first to admit that a lot of games will probably be absent from my reviews. While I may somehow find time for them, try not to fret if your favorite game never gets touched on. The reason I created this list in the first place is because I literally do not have enough time to play every game ever created, so in essence, the line had to be drawn somewhere.
However, if there is enough hubbub directed at me about a particular game, I will definitely put it on that increasingly ever growing list that can be found here. Remember to check in once in a while to see if that game you love so dearly made it on there :)
So, take an afternoon, take a shot, and come play some classics!
About the Author:
Jessy has been an avid video game player ever since she made friends with that girl up the street who had an N64 and a Sega Genesis in the late 90's. Since then, it's been nothing but insisting on playing as Tails and probably more importantly, dreaming of entering the gaming industry herself. She's currently working as a patent editor by day, a freelance illustrator by night, and a content creator for various personal comics and video games by whenever she has the time.
About the Author:
Jessy has been an avid video game player ever since she made friends with that girl up the street who had an N64 and a Sega Genesis in the late 90's. Since then, it's been nothing but insisting on playing as Tails and probably more importantly, dreaming of entering the gaming industry herself. She's currently working as a patent editor by day, a freelance illustrator by night, and a content creator for various personal comics and video games by whenever she has the time.